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Cast Away Your Fear of Shoulder Injury!


It’s that time of year again, where the ice is melting and it is time to dig your fly rod out of the closet and go fishing.  After taking a break over winter,  don’t forget to take care of your shoulder and prevent injury.  In a survey of 812 fly-fishing instructors conducted by Montana State University they found that 50% report shoulder pain, 39% reported elbow pain, 36% wrist pain, 5% claimed to always have pain in casting arm.  Read on to see how you can prevent being a statistic!

For most fly fishermen, the shoulder takes a beating from the following:


Some of these injuries can easily be prevented with changing your grip, casting style, or changing your type of fly rod.  Others may take more time and require exercises to strengthen and protect the shoulder while improving mechanics.




If you have an injury, here’s what you can do:

To find out more, check out this article: